Tag: Literacy

Space Race Podcast

Kia ora everybody, here is another KPE podcast brought to you by me and my partner Nu Nu.
This week we are learning about astronauts and space. As always for the podcast we have to get into 2-3 groups. Me and Nu Nu practiced 2-3 times until we got it right. It took us some takes since we kept laughing. It was very funny and entertaining to make!

Helena Year 7 Step Up Highlights 2024.

Recount: Year 7 STEP UP Highlights
Last week we had the Year 7 STEP UP Programme. Write a recount, sharing what your three main highlights were and why.


  1. Start your writing here: On the 8th of may the year 8’s, Mr Wiseman and Mr Moran went off to kauaeranga valley for camp as it was to help with their confidence and leadership. For the next 3 days they would be gone. With the year 8’s gone, the year 7’s had a step up program. The step up program was to also help with confidence and leadership. We got split into groups and we had an assigned class to go to. My assigned class is room 5 which is also my homeroom class. I went to my assigned class and had a discussion with my group. There were 3 groups, each group came up with a name. My group’s name was called “Hustlers” The other 2 groups were named “Buckles” and “Mana”.

Each day every group had a different activity as they rotated class by class.

Our first teacher we had was Ms Tipene, to start off the step up program, our first activity was a haka challenge. Every group would have to do the haka and the best group that performed well would get extra  points.

Since every group performed well everyone got extra points.  


We did multiple activities but my top 3 favourite highlights were Find the lyric game , Movie day and building. Find The Lyric game is where we are given a word and we have to find a song that has that word in it. I do not know the official name for the game. For example if I said the word Rainbow you would have to find a song that has the word Rainbow in it. Movie day was extremely fun, we were given little boxes of popcorn along with mini fizzy drinks. Last but not least, building. We had to get into groups for this project, we received blocks and whoever built the highest tower won the game. Unfortunately there was no prize.


It was the last day of the step up program and I was a bit unhappy as it would go back to normal. But at the same time I kinda missed normal school.

This concludes for my  blog for today. I hope you enjoyed reading my recount! 🙂

Helena Writing a MathVenture

Kia Ora everyone, this is my mathventure!
If you are wondering what is a mathventure it’s where you read stories and the reader must solve math problems in order to progress through the adventure.

So, I decided to make my own!
Each section contains a math problem for you to solve.
Good luck!

Helena PM Reader – Room 8 Literacy (Thor)

PM Reader Challenge – The Trip to Rocky Ridge

For this task you need to do some reading out loud.

You will record a video of yourself reading the first page of your PM Reader.
At the SAME TIME you will use the Voice Typing feature on this Google Doc.

This will give you an opportunity to hear how you read, and to see how accurate your pronunciation is.

Start your Voice Typing here: The trip to Rocky Ridge I love going to visit Aunt Bonnie. Rocky Ridge said Ruby but the train trip is so boring. and we have to leave so early added her 10 year old twin brother Nate. outside the sky was dark except for a smudge of Pale Don light. Ruby gave a noisy on as she packed her every night back. neon to and then let out the twins and dated even yawning! however you need to be at the station in 10 minutes. quickly she pushed a library book into followed by a sketch pad and I say of little pins for stop I hope these will stop me from getting bored she told me the side it was such a long old journey to Rocky Ridge.

Attach the Google Drive link to your video here;


Once you have finished reading the text, answer these questions;

Why did the twins say the trip to Rocky Ridge was dull and boring?
Because they have to sit for the whole train ride.

Why did Ruby make up the rhyme?
Because the five stations before they get to Rocky Ridge rhymes and to past the time.

What would have lived in a salt lake millions of years ago?
Probably dinosaurs and lots of extinct animals.

Why would train drivers have to be careful in dust storms?
Because the windows might get covered in dust making the train drivers can’t see.

Why would a cow have wandered onto the rail track?
Because of the dust storm, The cow was probably in the farm and then the wind unlocked the gate making the cow can’t see and making it wander onto the rail track.

  • How did Aunt Bonnie know when the train would be arriving

Because Clare told the twins what time they would arrive and then Nate rang Aunt Bonnie and told her what happened.

Helena Vocabulary Task – W3 T4

Kia Ora everyone, this is my weekly vocabulary task.
This week’s word was “Survival.” We have to come up with synonyms and antonyms. And then we have to search up images that represent what the word “Survival” means.
Feel free to leave a positive comment on my blog! 🙂