Tag: PES

Helena Vocabulary Task – W3 T4

Kia Ora everyone, this is my weekly vocabulary task.
This week’s word was “Survival.” We have to come up with synonyms and antonyms. And then we have to search up images that represent what the word “Survival” means.
Feel free to leave a positive comment on my blog! 🙂

My years at PES! (Happy Holidays and stay safe)

Hi im Helena!  and i have been in Point England School for almost 5 years, I am gonna cry a water fountain when i graduate from this school. I really love this school because the staff is really kind and awesome. I really pray that i dont move to a different school because that means i have to  start all over again!

I have made new and kind friends this year, my goal is to improve my maths because i’m bad at maths but maybe one day i will get better at it haha!

I’m not moving or that i’m just doing a final blog post for the term and talking about my years at P.ES I want to say thank you to all the teachers and the support staff for everything, HAPPY HOLIDAYS AND STAY SAFE! 🙂